No visits
We don’t allow anyone other than our employees to enter our office at this time. Also, we do not visit other parties and travelling is denied.
Digital meetings
All meetings are done digitally.
Extra cleaning
Our office and warehouse will be cleaned thoroughly during the whole workday.
Our warehouse will stay open
The warehouse at our headquarters will be open for shipment and delivery, but drivers are not allowed to enter. Our employees have good hand hygiene. Also, employees in the warehouse are not allowed be in physical contact with each other.
Chemical supply, deliveries and prices
The corona crisis has caused reduced supply, long delivery times and increased prices for certain chemicals, for example ethanol, glycerol, hydrogen peroxide and 2-propanol.
Personal responsibility
We expect our employees to act responsible during this period. Therefore going to the gym, public events, meetings or using public transportation is dissuaded.
Official guidelines
We are taking all necessary precautions and are following the guidelines from the government and public authorities. We are carefully monitoring the development of this crisis.